
swap you up with a biscuit.

thats what the bouncer at ROK said to me today. hah funny stuff. had me come to the front of the line.. sorry karen! :] then yea.. he just started to ramble on to the other bouncers about me. hah funny funny. saw erwin and johnny today! fun stuff! i miss them :]

jing came out with me. good dengg times. i miss that girl! :] she's a super trooper. came out with me on such late notice.. and still had a good time.. to top it off.. we both have class tomorrow at 8AM! booty!!! all good tho. we're g's! hah i love her forreal. she's always got my back.. told me some words tonight.. about someone asking something about me.. which was SUPER false. and she got super heated. haha wtf.. how she get more upset than i do?!

for the one who asked.. you need to check up on your stats before you go and ask such a question. and to one of my good friends?! pshh.. check it. when you figure it out.. i've only done that with one person out here! thanks. im not upset.. just a lil flabbergasted. idk its crazy how someone says that they're cool with you.. and that you're good friends but still has the audacity to ask a question of that sort. all good tho. im a happy person yo. i network. just not like that. if you really wanted to know.. just ask me. ill answer any question.. because im a person who has nothing to hide. no one to impress. and just myself to keep happy.

for the future.. to ANYONE. want to know something about me? just ask ME. thank you!

anyways.. i have class in less than 5.5 hrs. so i guess its time to go to bed. good night world :]



on the way home from HOM i saw a car accident. scared me but made me greatful. called the roomies to tell them i loved them. seriously.. lets all drive a little slower. whats the rush?? speeding will get you somewhere about 5-10 minutes faster.. wouldn't you rather just get there alive?!



i woke up for school this morning feeling good. not super tired.. just chillin. made it to school early. chilled. talked. class today was not bad at all. we didnt do much. hah i enjoy those days. hm.. after school was suppose to meet up with lexi for lunch.. then she hit me up and took a rain check til next week. all good. i love that girl so ill wait. hah. some kids in my class asked me to join them for lunch so i did. hah we ended up at one of the most filipino places ever! haha jollibee son! :] haven't been there in a while.. so it was cool. but man.. all of us chillin' in our blue apollo scrubs?? what a sight. it was a good thing i went. i caught up on things that are going on at school since im only there once a week. its cool. :] got to know more folks. 

after wards we chilled and talked.. then i went to ceasar's.. then met up with ant gj rho corinne and mu at the house. then i locked my keys in my car! wtf?! gahh lets not get into details.. but anyway.. gj was kind enough to start calling lock smiths.. i love that guy! mother fucker finally showed up and it took him not even 5 minutes.. and pop! wtf?! stupid ass jerk charged me 140. efff that. ANYWAYS corinne and ant showed up.. bought me jamba juice! yummmay! :] then we chilled with everyone for a while.. watched rj & vince ray work on gj's car. then ant & i went to fry's. Justin hook'd it up on 8GB memory cards! :] thanks love! errrright well im sleepy. and am bout to go out. hah. so im done. 



yes. its been just about a week since i last went to class.. that's not bad. trust me i put in too much money to be "ditching" so i'm not. i just only have class on thursday.. well thats until april comes around then i go back full time! i cant wait.. seriously this whole only going one day a week gives me way too much time to sit and think about too many things. i need to be doing something and i just can because.. well because i cant. so what am i sluffin' on?? im sluffin' on my papers that are due tomorrow. yep TWO papers. all good i know i can get it done when i actually sit and do them. im just easily distracted. trust me!! blahh okay.. well time seems to be going by so slow. i guess in my situation.. its a good thing?? ehh.. i dont really care.

im excited about my trip next month! im going with some of the best. ANTHONY especially he makes me excited to go. CORINNE makes me psyched to go do things. watch the show. chill! DONNA i know is just down for the ride. MUSASHI is making me excited because he hasn't really been there.. so its time to show him whats up. HUSBY! i get to see him again :] JEKA i get to stay with! :] more random'ness. CMART my anti-sun man. gahh. everything just makes me excited.

i have a viewing for Dr. Makabenta this weekend. :/

i want to try something. i want to come clean. no lies. theres no need to anymore. make myself happy thats all right? well i'll answer one question a day. HONESTLY no lies.. no holding back.. anything and everything. let's go. im ready.

time to go to brother's house.. more sluffin' over there.. then paper time.


bad world

i woke up by a phone call telling me that my friends mom had been shot and killed. how does an 80 year old patient go to the doctor's office and decide to shoot the doctor?!  then take the easy way out and kill himself? thats not right. you have to man up to your wrong doing. live the rest of your short miserable life and deal with the fact that you right out murdered a doctor that did nothing wrong to you. all she did was try to help you and others in the community. you have now left her two sons and daughter to grow alone. one who is here and miserable with a father who recently up and left to the philippines and one who is in the navy and another who is going to school in sf. away somewhere.. probably doesnt know yet. and i doubt that her husband who cowardly left the states.. knows either. what is wrong with people?! my 4 year old nephew sat next to me as i watched the news to confirm tita's death. and then he showed me that even young and innocent people notice things.. my nephew told me.. "we live in a bad world, dont we?" i think we live in a crazy world with some dumb people. 

to josh & franny & mike.. im sorry. your loss took a beat on my life i could only imagine how you feel. 


goodbye my love.

HOM is coming to an end. there is no more. its a sad thing but the memories will last forever. i love the people and they'll always be part of my life. but the good things dont last forever right??



so.. there's a picture of me ryan beemer anthony & mu. robbie and gj are sleeping in the back..  well today was super chill i did a buncha nothing. hah came to HOM to chill and see GJ! yey back from MEXICO! ughhhh. then he had a surprise of Robbie!! yey!! ROBBIE you're in vegas!! :] nothing really cool. booked robbie's ticket back home. thats sad days.. then i waited for anthony to come home. then he got here and we talked and chilled. 

dengg its SUPER cold out side. wtfutch. so as i sit here and type this bLog im starring at ryan :] poor guy.. im guessin' he's sick. sorry love. feel better soon! Anthony is sitting here reading horoscopes. (thanks ryan! haha) apparently when i turn 24.. something is going to happen.. hah idk what yet.. but we'll see. okayy.. idk musashi is sittin here on my phone killin my batter by playin idk what game. hah you gotta see anthony.. he's sittin next to me in his bath robe!! ughhh son! haha its so early to call it a night.. but i guess its gotta be done. so goodnight loves.


mean girls.

thats what i watched last night. as i stayed at my cousin's house and built her tv stand til 4 in the morning! hah oh well.. i gotta be a good cousin. she says im GREAT because not only did i stay.. build her tv stand ALONE.. with a hurt back.. but i also did it while miss shaggy (her fat kitty) ran around the condo.. all close to me and everything. yuckk.. im allergic to cats.. so as i drove home early morning.. i was wheezing.. and it was HARD to breathe :[ but i made it!

hah slept til idk what time.. got ready.. CLEANED my house.. moved thangs around.. ran some errands.. cooked.. chilled and then started to drink before everyone got here. hah thats just how i am.

brought in the new year with a lot of loved ones. glad they're here. 2009 i hope for the best!