

i lagg the most on this bLog.. idk just so many things have been going on in life.. and i dont  really have time to type about it. i hardly go on myspace.. i hardly bLog.. i mean.. i go on and read others bLogs a lot.. its just that once im finished im pretty much done with my computer haha. 


yesterday was a good day :] woke up at 6am.. got ready for school then dipped! hah i went to school and then grabbed some lunch for me & ant then met up at the miranda house. chill session. i actually made a resume! hah too bad it wasn't for myself! all good tho. some of the other boys came over and chilled with us.. then we went to the park and played basket ball. haha good times. dengg gj.. always getting hurt, and the same arm too! wtfutch. hah and we saw this little girl swinging for HOURS! she was scary. anywho.. finally went back to hom and stephanie was home!! yey! she started to talk about going to the neyo concert. she really wanted to go.. so we did a little hustlin'.. and then ended up getting to go! neyo concert was good.. too bad no MUSIQ :[ but overall it was just a great day. hella people went to the concert. funny how we all ended up there. its always a lovely day when im with y'all thanks much! :]

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