
club. concert. coma.

let's catch up on my past week/weekend. 

hmm.. wednesday i went to the boys' basketball game. they should already know to expect me there :] hah. i love them boys. im always there that the Y staff seem to know who i am already. all good tho. thursday afternoon wasn't much. i chilled at home all day. then went to daffi's house so we could go to palazzo and get ready for miss daffodil gamayon to FINALLY hit the clubs! so we got ready and headed to tryst. all i gotta say about thursday night at the club is CRAZY MAD FUN. haha if you weren't there then DAMN you missed out! sorry. friday i met up daff and her family for family din din :] fun times. then we headed back to palazzo for a quick gambling lesson and then time to get ready again! we went to lavo which was pretty WHACK! sorry.. its not crackin.  so we stayed for like maybe two hours then back to the room. chilled drank up. hella heads. daffi's brother and his friends made HELLA mess!! then futchin' dipped out. being the anal person i am.. the mom side came out and i started to CLEAN! i did well too! haha kim was shocked. i took a quick nap {because i slept at 7am and woke up at like 10?!} then it was wakey time. so saturday morning we packed our stuff then ate at mainland and goodness it was YUMMY! then i went home chilled with mom and brother for a while then got ready and headed to HOM! goodness.. its been a while since i've been there to tell you the truth.. and boy do i miss it. picked up emi and we went to sonic to grab some food. num yummy. after a quick bite we drove across the street to palms and watched the JASON MRAZ concert!!! yessss! it was great. opening act was lisa.... i forgot her last name but she's from ireland. dublin i think?? idk.. her cd is coming out soon hopefully.. her song "i dont know" is GREAT!!! then jason himself.. gahhhhh just much much fun. glad i could experience it with EmiChan. afterwards i took emi home and then i drove to jem's for daffi's surprise party. which i was late to.. SORRY!! but i just wanted to say hi and show face! :] now im home and exhausted.. ready to sleep for days.. but i cant because i have things to do tomorrow. 

hopefully i can fall asleep soon.. i can never seem to sleep when i get home :/

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