
almost crashed.

today was CHILL! finally a day with out mad errands.. or study sessions.. or much of anything. so i stayed home until i had to go to *GROOVE. mmmhhmmm i miss my lazy days. haha well class went well. i missed seeing them rascals. afterwards i went home.. saw my dad and then headed back out of the house. the boys wanted to bingo! haha im such an old lady. oh well :]

picked up the boys.. drove to red rock and on the way.. we almost got into an accident! some dumb fucker decided to run the light! so.. i was on rampart.. about to turn onto the west summerlin pkwy ramp and im at a yield for a turn.. im half way through the intersection waiting.. and then the light turns yellow. so i see on coming cars start to stop since their light was yellow too.. then it turns red.. but since i am in the middle of the intersection yielding.. i HAD to go. i start to turn.. and the on coming cars that were stopping.. one dumb ass decides to start to brake.. then all of a sudden gun it! wtf.. dumb ass you have a red light.. and then you see me going.. well the car is still coming and im already turning.. so i had two choices.. slam on my brakes and let the dumb ass hit my car at a "T" angle or gun my gas and possibly make it through.. of course so many things ran through my head.. so much analyzation.. and i slammed my foot on the gas and made it through! :] thank god for me knowing how to analyze quickly and have been a reckless driver before so i could pull it off. 

anyways.. i won $100 at bingo.. won another $100 playin' penny slots.. so overall it was a good day. now its time to lay down. :] night


janelstar said...

aaaaahhhh!!!!! glad your ok! :) dont know what id do without you! I envy you have suck a lucky hand when it comes to gambling. I'm too cheap to take risks. I don't get very lucky either.

_justinepoo said...

i'm so glad i saw you over the weekend! :)