

so.. after an exhausting weekend.. of family filled events, and crunching in crucial study time and trying not to stress out too hard.... this weekend is OVER! goodness! my micro and anatomy test were both completed with "A" grades! "] thank you very much. my family is doing well. the events were fun. many laughs. great times. i still have some family in town so there is still always a lot to do.. but i have a paper due on thursday. thankfully my teacher is kind enough to give us time to work on it that day in class. he's just one of the best teachers i could ask for right now :]

i am so tired.. and yet so awake! what the heck. such frustration.. but nothing big to bug over. i have a ACSA meeting tomorrow at school.. or i guess you could say its today. only reason i really do not want to go is because not only is it at 11 in the morning and i would rather sleep in until about 12  noon LOL.. but i have to wear my scrubs just to go to school and attend this meeting for about 30 minutes to an hour! boo. oh well though. i gotta do what i gotta do right? maybe i wont go and i'll just make sure that someone else attends to inform us what is going on. ha. 

alright goodnight blog world. until next time..

1 comment:

janelstar said...

i just want to say that for the record...i helped with that A grade trying to help you identify the frontal, parietal?, occipital, zobiewoobie (lol), the false ribs true ribs, the coxyx (which is the tailish part on our spine), the scoliosis, ostioporosis (jk)...anyway! love study time with you! lol. glad it paid off. so my turn now..lol